Energy Audit Service
The objective of an energy audit or energy analysis is to identify opportunities that will reduce the energy use of a facility. Ourenergy audit will include the following steps:
- Collect and analyze historical energy use.
- Study the building and its operational characteristics by onsite field measurements.
- Identify potential solutions that will reduce the energy use and/or cost.
- Perform an engineering and economic analysis of potential modifications.
- Prepare a rank-ordered list of appropriate modifications.
- Prepare a report to document the analysis process and results.
Energy audit will cover the following:
The energy audit will include energy performance assessment of the following utilities/equipment:
- Lighting system.
- Compressors and Compressed Air Distribution System.
- Boilers / Steam Generators and Steam distribution System.
- HVAC (Chillers, AHUs).
- Cooling Towers.
- Electrical Motors (blowers, pumps etc.)
- Electrical Distribution system, Power quality.
- Building Envelope.
- The energy audit will also include Power Logging / Power Quality Analys as Measurement of Power consumption and Power Quality Analysis (including PF, Harmonics etc.)